07 September 2009

Defender of Freedom

When you’re not in it for yourself then you can say you are truly committed. Why would a young man or woman join the military toady? Well let me let you in on a secret; it’s not for the money.

It’s for pride of country, proud to be an American!
Would you be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice if you weren’t really that committed? No, if you did it for the money we would have to question your commitment.

It’s not for everyone, but until you have served selflessly you don’t understand the sacrifice it takes. It’s often said they don’t raise the youth like they used too and today’s young soldiers present some new leadership challenge because they weren’t taught a lot of things at home.

The best thing we can teach the next generation is how to think for themselves. I count it a pleaser to give them that opportunity. I think every teen today should at least devote 4 years of public service to their country if for nothing else for the life experience and to grow up and learn responsibility real fast.
Take some time today to remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice so you could enjoy the freedoms that you have today.

Proud to Serve!

04 September 2009


Your priorities are a window into your heart. The things that are most important to you are what get done. The things that get forgotten, put off or you just don’t have time for really are not that important to you.

We may argue that point but the sad truth is that we would have to agree with it. Our relationships, mental outlook and motives determine our priorities. Weather we are selfish or selfless, Generous or money hungry. What drives you, help set your priorities.

Life is going to happen regardless of whether you’re ready or not. A failure to plan your day and set your priorities is a plan to fail. Today is going to come and go and that’s one less day that you have. It’s up to you to determine what you get out of the day.

Some just let life happen to them and they really don’t have any priorities. Funny thing is they don’t have any goals or aspirations either and they get exactly what they ask for. NOT much!

02 September 2009

Status quo

Challenge the status quo norm with out of the box thinking. If you don’t try something different you never get out of the rut you’re in! Status quo is often thought of as a security blanket. It may suck but at least we know what to expect. We steadily complain about it but nobody wants to change it.
Its funny we all agree it’s not working but we don’t want to be that guy who breaks from the pack and offers up a new idea because before you even get half of the idea out of your mouth someone will say “That will never work” instead of brainstorming and saying that a good start and if we tweak it we can make it work!
In whatever it is if you don’t agree with the change at least agree we need to do something different to get out of this rut and if you six feet under quit digging. If the shoe fits wear it. Be a part of the solution not a naysayer who adds to the problem.
If you’re going to complain, bring a solution and propose a change. For the good of the people be willing to compromise to make progress. One day I plan to run for office!

01 September 2009


Contemplate; gather facts, review then plan. Here I sit contemplating retirement. It’s exciting and scary! I’ve had some really good conversation in the last few weeks and have heard some real different mentalities of how to look at it. So I’m still gathering facts and reviewing but starting to see the light reveal itself.
I will have my Bachelors of Science in Organizational Management sometime in early 2010. 20 years in January 2011. Thought process is 61 days of terminal leave with a target retirement date of 19Nov10. It’s a Friday morning the week before thanksgiving.

If I get out, I would start my Masters in Environmental Science at UNLV in Jan 2011 and my GI Bill would pay for everything. Go to class at night so I can do my research and smooze during the day. I’m trying to get an internship with the department of Energy or the Environmental research division, both at Nellis AFB. That’s plan A.

Plan B. Stay in, Uncle makes my house payment, pays for my Masters and I could possible advance to E-8. I would have to make 1 or 2 deployments. Then use my GI Bill to get a doctorate when I get out. My retirement check would go up slightly each year.

The question is if I’m going to go after a second retirement with the federal government the window of opportunity is small. The latest I would need to get in there is by the time I’m 45. That is 2 retirements at 65 and at least 20 years to enjoy them. Or 10 good years at Masters or Doctorate pay and I wouldn’t need a second retirement. What’s your 2 cents?

28 August 2009

Opportunity versus Obstacles

What do we often look at, the opportunities or the obstacles that stand in the way. Is anything worth having free? Is there any since of accomplishment when you don’t have to work for it. Is the journey what makes the trip worthwhile?

Could you win if you couldn’t lose? Is there and gain if nothings risked? Is it really an opportunity if there are no obstacles? No it’s a gift that will soon be forgotten because there is nothing vested in it.

Obstacles are lessons that make opportunities cherished. That’s what stretches the mind to think outside of the box and discover new ways and methods to accomplish the task at hand. When the why get strong enough the how will figure its self out.

If you got it right on the first try would you have learned anything? Do you learn from winning or from loosing? If it’s easy do you really get anything out of it?

Even though I don’t have the answer on how I’m going to overcome the obstacles I face I know that if I don’t continue trying something new the obstacle is not just going to go away. What are you going to try today?

26 August 2009

What is your time worth?

I didn’t ask what you get paid an hour. I said what is your time worth? Can you put a dollar amount on it? Does it become more valuable as you get older? When your younger you can afford to sleep all day, but as you get up in years you’re up at the crack of dawn and you go, go, go until you are so tired the as soon as you sit down you fall asleep and its only noon.

What do you have to show for the time spent? Where do you spent the most time? 90% spend the most time at work where you trade your time for money and satisfaction. You might get more of one than the other. Which one goes further or is more valuable?

If you live pay check to pay check will the day ever come that you can cut back on the hours you work and do what you really want to do. NO! So why do we do it to ourselves? Live on less now so you can live more latter!

24 August 2009


Do you remember the ketchup commercial? It was about the wait and just how good you knew it was going to taste. How about the anticipation of the first day of school or fist day on the job? Does anybody really like that feeling?

I have 3 weeks until I start my new job and word on the street is the working environment isn’t good. Seems to be some leadership and management issues. Or would that be opportunities, even though I don’t know what I’ll be doing it will be in the leadership management department. I consider that one of my strengths but I also know that I am going to have to establish myself before I can make an impact.

So is anticipation a good thing or not? Here is an answer we hear a lot today, It is what it is! It depend what you make of it, can lead to worry and could cause you to do some forward planning on how you want to establish yourself. Really depends on your perspective!

18 August 2009

Best Gift

Best Gift
I had a nice talk with one of my daughters this weekend and we discussed the best gift a parent could ever give a child. No, it wasn’t the new wii fit or Nintendo III, it’s actually much cheaper than that, and you know I’m cheep. The best gift you can give is their independence.

The most valuable lesson you can teach your children is how to get along without you. How to think for themselves, rationalize between choices they want to make. Let them make mistake while you are still there to help them get through it. Those are the best lessons.

Teach them to cook and clean up after themselves. Let them do their own shopping for what they want to cook, give them a budget on how much they can spend and how to choose between brands and quantity versus value. Give them the money and let them pay; make them order for the family when you go out to eat. My kids can feed a family of 4 on $10.

I’ve never been one to buy them the latest things but I think I have given them the greatest gift. I can’t wait to see what they are going to do with the gift.

17 August 2009

Wise words

Very fortunate to meet with my toastmasters mentor, Bobby Williams this weekend. He had some great insight for me that you will buy in a book from me some day. Don’t you love it when someone just turns the light on for you and you clearly see it in a different light? The best thing is its free you just have to seek out a mentor.

Ok so here is the gem. We have been studying the miracle of 3’s in public speaking. You always make 3 points and 3 supporting details to each point lasting 5 to 7 min. that’s the toastmaster way. Now taking it to the next level of being a effective speaker who can hold their attention for 45 min to an hour.

The key to not losing them is to build and move, revisit and tie together then build and move again. Build in blocks of 3, cement with stories and humor. Work in the 5 to 7 min blocks with 2 to 3 min review and tie together before you add on.

Use a hook or catch phrase and have them repeat it after each segment. This will drive it home and this is the first thing they will recall about the speech.

02 August 2009

Cow Tipping

Check out Cow Tipping, Knocking over the sacred cows of the church.

30 July 2009


Creditors are like black birds sitting on the fence along life’s highway waiting for some road kill so they can get their piece of what is left. How do we avoid being found on the road dead with everyone trying to get a piece of what’s left?

Are we only to buy what we have cash in hand for? Is there such thing as good debt? Can debt be used as leverage? Why do they call them loan sharks?

No money down with no interest for 12 months, does that sound too good to be true? Absolutely it’s a scam to get you to pay a higher interest rate.

A penny saved is worth twice as much as a penny borrowed. A wise man once said “The borrower is slave to the lender”. It’s like anything else, too much of a good thing will kill you dead.

29 July 2009

Roll With IT!

Sooner or latter you are going to take a blow, and sometimes it’s below the belt. The key is not how bad it hurts or that it wasn’t fair, that you don’t deserve it. The key is how you respond to it.
Do I choose to get upset, depressed, or try and get even, just roll with the punches and make the best out of a bad situation. Will it really make it any better or get fixed any faster if I yell at the technician on the other end of the phone. In reality he will probably help me more if I am pleasant and remain positive and considerate of his time as well. Now that’s not the natural or easy response but the most effective.
My computer at work crashed first thing this morning and the technician said at 0630 this morning he would be out sometime today hopefully. Well its 1630 and I don’t believe he is going to show. So I have accomplished nothing today and we will see if I accomplish anything tomorrow.
One thing is for sure, as hard as it may be I am going to try and roll with the punches and make the best of it. It’s a growing stretching thing!

28 July 2009

Mental War

Mental War
It’s what you think about all day that gets accomplished, invented or great gains are made toward completion. Fear paralyzes action, like how am I going to pay for it. I’ve never done this before. I’m not sure it will work; I’m in way over my head.

These are all self defeating statements and you defeat yourself long before you ever start. No wander you never achieve any success. You’re not even on your own team and your worst enemy. Action is what conquers fear, believe in yourself and step out in faith believing you can do it and the battle is half over.

Rehearse in your mind the task before you start it. When you can see it successfully in your mind’s eye you can do it. Do not attempt it until then.

27 July 2009


Success is as much mental as it is physical. It all starts with the right mindset and a positive outlook believing that you can accomplish anything. Being able to close your eyes and see yourself accomplishing it in detail time and again.

The road map is just as important in getting there too. You have to take the time to put your plan on paper and flesh out the details and set clear deadlines and dollar amounts. The clearer it is on paper the easier it is for the subconscious mind to picture it and to go to work on it.

Your road map gives you direction and as you make progress and achieve milestones it’s easy to look back and gain momentum to keep going. Deadlines fuel ambitions and motive action!

24 July 2009


Never try and make your point or take a cheap shot in the middle of a heated discussion. Hold your tongue and give it some thought before you attempt to get your point across. To defuse the situation; first, quit giving them ammunition. Shut your mouth or agree that you understand their point you just don’t agree with it. You will probably have to let the situation cool off before you try and restate your point and to gain some interest tie in one or two things they had to offer. Remain positive and never discredit their idea or regardless how much since your plan makes they will never hear it out. As a last resort agree to disagree. The absolute worst thing you can do is just avoid conflict because you will be walked on the rest of your life!

23 July 2009

Desires of your heart

You are the only one that knows the desires and ambitions of your heart. Don’t let anyone talk you out of what it is that you long for.
Be your own person, never a puppet who allows someone else to pull their strings and influence what they do and think.
Listen to other peoples input but don’t allow them to make your decisions for you. Stand up for yourself, besides you are the one who has to live with those decisions for the rest of your life.
Conflict – never try and make your point or take a cheap shot in a heated discussion. Hold your tongue and give it some time and thought before you attempt to get your point across.
To defuse the situation don’t give them anymore ammunition and agree on the fact that they are indeed upset and make certain you express that you understand that.